Thursday, June 23, 2005

Day 13 - Thu June 23rd

Weather - London Hot - Dublin Hot (well... for Dublin anyway! 22 deg)

After bidding Jase and Lain farewell at their adopted home last night, we said goodbye to their house and headed to Heathrow for the plane to Dublin.

After getting off the bus a little disoriented and eventually finding the hotel (and a couple of pints - Guinness for Nai, and Smithwick's for Cory - v nice!) we checked in (larger and nicer than expected) we headed off around Dublin. Nai filled in with a few sights (St Stephen's Green, the Liffey, Grafton St, Four Courts) until we got to the holy of holies... the Guinness Brewhouse. We spent quite a bit of time going thru the museum and displays of how they brew it, and their various (very humourous) ads over the years. Slowly, slowly, you make your way up a huge pint glass until you reach the top, where you are rewarded with your very own pint. This was Cory's first pint of true Irish Guinness. Very nice, but not quite as good as expected. :(

Then staggered home (tiredness not alcohol) for a well-deserved sleep.


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